Step 8.

We are almost done with the "Money Making" part of Gruffgoat's journey to date. There are future money making avenues I hope to explore, such as writing reviews for money, but most of my research thus far suggests that my blog will need to be up and running for at least three months before product managers will even give me a glance. I will let you know as soon as I get some intel on that revenue stream.

And speaking of streams, I wanted to talk to you about one of the mightiest of streams,! In Step 7 I talked about placing ads as an affiliate partner with vendors, now I want you add one more item to your growing "to do" list, and that is sign up as an affiliate.

I separated this Step from the previous because of one reason - the Amazon store. As an affiliate, you'll have access to link buttons much like you found with Affiliate Future, but you'll also be able to create your own Storefront to sell products related to your content! Pretty cool huh?

I have two stores with now: Soccer Super Store
"How to Write for Dollars" Store

and both are linked off my blog front pages. With your Amazon store, you can add only the products you want to sell, or you can add products by category. Either way, you should certainly consider giving your readers the option to browse your own Amazon store. Again, it's a commission model which means you don't have to do anything but send people that way.

Which leads us to Step 9 - How to Get People to Read Your Blog!

Welcome, Step 1, Step 2, Step 3, Step 4, Step 5, Step 6, Step 7, Step 8, Step 9, Step 10

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